Ilmoittautuminen leirille
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Ilmoittautuminen leirille Lomakkeen avaushetkellä: paikkoja 10, varapaikkoja 3
Camp: Science camp
Date: 19.10. (Thu)
Location: Tiedekoulu Finnoo, Kurjenkellontie 5, 02270 Espoo
Language: Camp is held in English
What we learn?
At the Science camp, we will get acquainted with the basic phenomena of natural sciences, learn to investigate and observe phenomena and things in a scientific and analytical manner.
Price: 85 €
Additional info: Camp days start at 9 and end at 15. Students bring their own packed lunch. The price includes camp guidance and a snack provided by Tiedekoulu during the camp.
Olen lukenut ja hyväksyn Suomen Tiedekoulu Oy:n käyttöehdot sekä rekisteriselosteen.